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Glenfield Infant School

together we are brilliant


Hamwic Education Trust

Glenfield Infant School is part of Hamwic Education Trust - one of the largest multi-academy trusts in the South of England. Its academies work in local community partnerships based in Southampton, Portsmouth, Poole and East Dorset.  

Hamwic Education Trust ethos

Hamwic Education Trust celebrates the uniqueness of pupils, staff and schools, and aims for everyone to achieve their full potential through the pathways of opportunities available.

It aims to achieve this by:

  • Supporting and challenging the Trust schools’ leaders, staff and pupils to achieve their best, ensuring the Trust has the skills and expertise to do this
  • Providing a safe and enabling learning environment for all
  • Ensuring that every pupil has the same opportunities to be successful
  • Providing opportunities for the complete learning journey for our pupils and staff
  • Ensuring schools have the resources they need for learning
  • Recognizing and respecting the individuality of each school and setting
  • Facilitating communities of schools working together for the benefit of all, both in partnerships and across the wider Trust

It aims to achieve this by:

  • Inclusive – opportunities for all
  • Supportive– health and well-being
  • Collaborative – recognising that the sum is bigger than the individual parts
  • Respectful – of each other, our people and pupils
  • Outward-facing – learning from each other and outside of the Trust
  • Empowering – staff and pupils to take a collective responsibility for learning
  • Open and honest – transparent in our decision making

Our aspirations:

  • All pupils to make expected progress or better
  • All schools to be judged good or better by Ofsted
  • To be an Employer of Choice – recruit, develop and retain the best
  • All schools and Trust to be financially sustainable
  • All schools to have a safe learning environment that supports learning and development

Find out more about Hamwic Education Trust | Multi-Academy Trust in Hampshire & Dorset

The Edwin Jones Partnership in Southampton

Glenfield Infant School is in Hamwic’s Edwin Jones Partnership with the following schools:

Weston Park Primary School

Beechwood Junior School

Harefield Primary School

Ludlow Infant School

Townhill Infant School

Weston Shore Infant School

Weston Secondary School

Together with our partner schools, we work to improve standards and practice, developing the curriculum and identifying strengths. We share a commitment to making a positive difference to our children and their families through a nurturing, caring ethos and raising aspirations within our community.

The partnership brings professional expertise and experience to secure the highest possible achievement for all. All aspects of our work will have a clear focus on improvement in the skills of our pupils, staff and community on sustaining measurable impact.

Our aim is to continue to develop our united learning community through a network of leaders and practitioners committed to sharing successful practice. We think and work differently and use new opportunities to ensure all learners remain at the heart of education. We aim to develop passionate life-long learners who are able to make a positive contribution to society.

Find out more about the Edwin Jones Partnership academies.

Hamwic Education Trust

Company no: 10749662

CEO: Robert Farmer

Trust Board Chair: Alice Wrighton (

Unit E, The Mill Yard

Nursling Street


Hampshire SO16 0AJ

Telephone: 023 8078 6833

Financial & Corporate Governance

The following information may be accessed on the Hamwic Education Trust website at

Annual Accounts

Annual Report

Memorandum and articles of association

Funding Agreement

Names of Directors & Members

Structure and remit of members, directors, committees and LGB, scheme of delegation and Names of Chair



Attendance at meetings