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Glenfield Infant School

together we are brilliant


You may be applying for a school space at Glenfield for one of two reasons;

Your child already attends another school and you would like to move them to Glenfield.
You can apply for a school space online at Your application is then processed by the School Admission Officer, Mrs Glenton, and she will write to you with a decision about your child's application; this will either be a letter of offer or a letter to advise you that we are not able to provide a school space for your child at the moment.

Your child is due to start school next September as part of Year R.
Applying for a school space for children due to start school in September must be done via the Southampton City Council website, applications are open between September-mid January of THE YEAR BEFORE your child starts school. Applications are only online via

Hamwic Education Trust are now consulting on the admissions policy for 2026 – 2027.

Please read the proposed policy below - The consultation ends on Wednesday 29th January 2025. If you have any comments you would like to make about the policy, please send them to Claire Shaw, Education Access Officer, at


Primary school places – Year R and Year 3, September 2025

Appeals will be considered in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code 2022
which are available to view at:

  • School place offers will be sent on 16 April 2025
  • Appeals must be lodged by 23 May 2025
  • Appeals lodged on time will be determined in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code 2022, before the end of the summer term
  • Appeals lodged after 23 May 2025, that cannot be added to a scheduled hearing, will be determined at a later date.


  • You will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of your appeal hearing date.
  • You can waive this right if you are late in making your appeal and wish to have your appeal determined at a hearing that is already scheduled.
  • Case papers will be dispatched to you within a reasonable time before the hearing date.
  • Once you have received notification of your hearing date, any additional evidence you wish to submit should be sent via email to the Democratic Services Inbox in accordance with the date detailed in the notification.
  • Additional evidence may be submitted up to and including the day of the hearing.
  • The panel will take its significance into account and whether there is a need to adjourn the hearing to allow all parties time to consider it.

Following the appeal hearing decision, where possible, letters will be sent five school day’s following the hearing's conclusion.